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KPO for Democracy
At second break time, Sudiarsa comes to me and ask me to take a part of KPO. I'm surprised....
But he tell me that every class must provide at least one representative for being part of this department. But for the class that have OSIS or DPS member in their absent list, they dont need to send a representative to join this KPO thing. But, no one else in my class that would participate in this event but my self.. The KPO will continuously active from next week,. I hope it not waste my time too much... Go for Smansa Democrazy... Upzz.. Democracy..
The KPO that stand for Komisi Pemilihan Osis, will help DPS to conduct the Osis election next view weeks..
I don't know exactly what kind of job will given to me,. But SUdiarsa tell me that i can help them to test the candidate with some English interview.. Actually im not too good in English speaking..
15 August 2008 at 05:36
dik, bahasa inggrisnya sudah bagus, tapi tolong hati-hati grammar-nya ya, dan kayaknya gak ada kata 'democration' di bahasa inggris yang bener, jangan malu untuk cek kamusnya lagi.
sukses selalu
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